Back to Business Guide
the comeback plan!
It happens to all of us. Life gets in the way and we fall off of our routine whether it be because of an extended vacation, busy season at work, or the holidays. This plan is meant to help you find your way back so that you can be a gym beast again. Use this routine to assess where you are now, establish goals, and build back your cardio endurance along the way. It is designed to go hard rather than ease you in, to get the old you back quickly.
Plan Summary:
Workout Duration: 60 min for 5 days/week
Program Duration: 4 weeks
Resistance Level: Moderate. Use either your body weight or dumbbells heavy enough for 10 reps. On Fridays, go a little heavier.
Tips: Work up to the daily run with a run-walk combination. You’ll be rebuilding your endurance so the goal is to work up to running nonstop, but starting out I expect for this to be a challenge where walk breaks are necessary. After the run, grab a pair of weights and follow each circuit in a small room.
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Long Run & leg day:
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
Cardio: Treadmill
2 min walk warm-up
Run/walk 5K (3.11 miles) at a 10 min/mile pace (6.0 speed)
3 min walk cool down
Lower Body Circuit:
10 Kettlebell Sumo Squats
20 Box Toe Taps
20 Split Squats, 10 each leg
10 Normal Stance Squats
20 Side Lunges, 10 each leg
10 Narrow Stance Squats
10 Lying Leg Raises
10 V Crunches
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
fast run & full body DAY:
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
Cardio: Treadmill
2 min walk warm-up
Run/walk 2 miles at a 9:15 min/mile pace (6.5 speed)
3 min walk cool down
Full Body Circuit:
10 Kettlebell Sumo Squats
30 Box Toe Taps
20 Side Lunges, 10 each leg
30 Box Toe Taps
10 Dumbbell Normal Stance Squats
30 Box Toe Taps
10 Dumbbell Narrow Stance Squats
30 Box Toe Taps
20 Split Squats, 10 each leg
30 Box Toe Taps
10 Lying Leg Raises
40 Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls
40 Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks, 20 each arm
20 Cable Rope Tricep Extensions
20 Dumbbell Standing Oblique Dips, 10 each side
10 Medicine Ball V Crunches
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
jog & Full body day:
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
Cardio: Treadmill
2 min walk warm-up
Run/walk 1.75 miles at a 11 min/mile pace (5.5 speed). Then finish with a sprint of .25 miles at a 8:30 min/mile pace (7.0 speed). Total is 2 miles.
3 min walk cool down
Lower Body Circuit:
10 Kettlebell Sumo Squats
20 Side Lunges, 10 each leg
10 Dumbbell Normal Stance Squats
10 Dumbbell Narrow Stance Squats
Repeat 1x
Full Body Circuit:
20 Kettlebell Cross-Body Cleans, 10 each side
10 Lying Leg Raises
20 Bench Single Leg Squat, 10 each leg
20 Push-Ups
20 Dumbbell Alternating Renegade Rows
10 Alternating Plank Extensions
20 Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls
10 Cable Rope Tricep Extensions
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
Long Run & ab Day:
Stretch: Legs and back
Cardio: Treadmill
2 min walk warm-up
Run 5K (3.11 miles) at a 10 min/mile pace (6.0 speed)
3 min walk cool down
Ab Circuit:
10 Dumbbell Alternating Renegade Rows
10 Knee Tuck Crunches
10 Alternating Crossover Toe-Touch Crunches
10 Pendulum Legs (3 towards middle, 6 alternating sides, 1 down middle)
20 Side Plank Crunches, 10 each side
10 Supermans
10 Lying Leg Raises
Repeat 1x
Leg Circuit:
10 Kettlebell Sumo Squats
20 Kettlebell Split Squat, 10 each leg
10 Dumbbell Normal Stance Squats
20 Side Lunges, 10 each leg
10 Dumbbell Narrow Stance Squats
Repeat 1x
Stretch: Legs and back
Long run & Full body day:
I’m proud you made it through. You’re a boss!
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
Cardio: Treadmill
2 min walk warm-up
Run 5K at a 10min/mile pace (6.0 speed)
3 min walk cool down
Full Body Circuit:
14 Bicep Curls at heavy weight, 7 each arm
14 Tricep Kickbacks at heavy weight, 7 each arm
7 Cable Rope Tricep Extensions, heavy
10 Kettlebell Sumo Squats, heavy
10 Kettlebell Split Squats
10 Dumbbell Normal Stance Squats
20 Dumbbell Side Lunges with Cross-body Toe-Touch, 10 each side
10 Dumbbell Narrow Stance Squats
20 Cross-body Mountain Climbers
30 Bicycle Crunches
20 Penguins
10 Reverse Crunches
5 Bridges to Ab Holds
10 Medicine Ball V Crunches, light
10 Lying Leg Raises
Repeat 1x
Stretch: Legs, arms, and back
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